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In 2017 Outside In World celebrates its tenth anniversary and throughout the year we will be producing a variety of different book lists.


10 Board Books for Babies 




Miss Mouse Birte Müller Translated from German North South (2008)


Simple and appealing, this book uses rhyming text to introduce a little mouse and some of her everyday activities.  Parent and child can enjoy watching the engaging little character doing her hair and eating cheese.  The book uses gentle illustrations and board pages which are easy for small fingers to learn to turn, improved still further by the inclusion of a series of tabs each featuring a single image which gives a clue to the activity shown on the relevant page.  A short and effective book introducing simple words and ideas, perfect for any baby.





I Really, Really Love You Emilie Jadoul Translated from French Zero to Ten (2010)


A cat tells a goldfish that he loves him. He tells him over and over again, but he can’t seem to persuade the fish to return his affection.  Then he realises that there might be a way to prove that there is substance in his words. This is a highly unusual book, both in its unconventional long rectangular format, but also its underlying message about the true nature of love and how actions can sometimes speak louder than words. A very simple book, with so much to say.





The Noisy Book Soledad Bravi Translated from French Gecko Press (2010)


This chunky little book may be small but offers an astonishing wealth of sounds to introduce to your baby. The ‘heehaw’ of a donkey, the ‘ratatat’ of a drum, even the ‘achoo’ of a cold… the sound effects listed are diverse and often humorous. Brightly coloured images with bold black outlines are ideal for very young children and the text translated from its original French is simple but entertaining.  This is a book which will have a healthy shelf-life, growing with your child as s/he develops and can start to try to make the noises too.  A full 60 pages of fun sounds to keep your child’s attention. 




Bus Stops, My Friends and Spring is Here Taro Gaomi, translated from Japanese, form part of a boxed set of three classic books from the 1980s published by Chronicle Books (2011) 





Bus Stops – As a bus embarks on its daily journey, children can be encouraged try to spot different objects in the images.  With the book’s cast of characters including salesmen, commuters, the language and concepts in this book are more complex than the other two books in the box set (Spring is Here and My Friends) however the set of three make a delightful little collection.





My Friends – Using very simple words and colourful illustrations, this book depicts a little girl learning from her animal friends. Her cat shows her how to walk, her dog how to jump, and a monkey how to climb trees.  As ever, Taro Gomi’s artwork has a magnetic appeal that is sure to attract young children. 





Spring is Here – This stylish little book from Japan introduces young children to the seasons of the year and the cycle of life.  Different events are shown, such as the snow melting and the animals and plants growing.  It’s a simple book but with an enchanting elegance and an added depth which includes the occasional visual joke. 





Night, night sleep tight! Giuliano Ferri Translated from Italian Minedition (2012)


‘Everything is all right little Bunny, sleep tight’, Peter’s mother tries to reassure him but how can he go to sleep with all that noise going on? Eventually his mother manages to show him that there’s no need to worry after all. This is a gentle, simple story with its rich watercolour illustrations by Italian author and illustration Giuliano Ferri. The windows die cuts allows children to follow Peter as he looks for all the things that scare him during the night.





Yum Yum! Yusuke Yonezu Translated from Japanes Minedtion (2012)


Find out what’s on the menu today and what each animal likes to eat – maybe a fish, a banana or a nice piece of cheese. This fun die cut novelty board book from the innovative Japanese artist Yusuke Yonezu has a hole where each animal’s mouth is and as you turn the pages you can see what they like to eat. A lovely, simple concept that is ideal for babies and toddlers.





I am Wolf … And here I COME! Bénedicte Guettier Translated from French Gecko Press (2014)


Watch the wolf put on his clothes page by page.  But what is his plan once he’s fully dressed? Be careful he might bite so snap the book shut to keep the wolf inside. This sturdy board book, with extra-thick board pages and strong cloth binding, for babies and toddlers that will withstand repeated use and is great for reading aloud.





Max’s Bath Barbro Lindgren Illustrated by Eva Eriksson Translated from Swedish Gecko Press (2015)


Max is having a bath! Dog, teddy, a range of toys and Max’s cookie are having a bath as well, but do they want one? What will happen when Max tries to put everything into his rather small bath tub? This is a simple, structured board book with cheerful, full page illustrations. Barbro Lindgren’s basic sentences repeat easy words to help children increase their word count which are complimented beautifully by Eva Eriksson’s illustrations.  You’ll laugh at the colourful, comic pictures – dog’s expressions in particular, are brilliant- and enjoy watching Max and all his toys having a bath. *  





Max’s Bear Barbro Lindgren Illustrated by Eva Eriksson Translated from Swedish Gecko Press (2015)


Max loves his bear, they are always together.  He kisses his bear, licks, bites and throws him until he ends up in a rather unfortunate place and it is up to the dog to rescue him. It is an excellent board book for babies and very small children. With one sentence a page and clear, colourful full page illustrations which will make it a treat for parents and children to read. *





Tickle My Ears Jörg Mühle Translated from German by Catherine Chidgey Gecko Press (2016)


It's getting late; Little Rabbit must go to bed and it's up to the reader to help him. Say Hoppity-hop …, clap their hands, fluff up the pillow, give his ears a tickle and stroke his back. Then pull up the covers, tuck him in and give Little Rabbit a goodnight kiss. And don't forget to turn out the light. A lovely, fun and engaging interactive board book that introduces a bedtime ritual. 


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10 Board Books for Babies



All the links to Amazon from our website have been checked. Where there is no book available we will mark it as out of print, although it may be available from other sellers.

*only paperbacks available.








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