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‘We need the literature of other countries to expand our
horizons and stimulate our ideas. Without it, we are not only
diminished, we are starved’
(The Times, Magnus Linklater 29/06/05)
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Perfect Presents!
by Anke Kuhl
Age Range: Under_5
“You’re a very hard person to buy for, but have I got the perfect thing for you! ” a delighted gecko tells his hard-to-please friend. “Perfect presents”, says the friend. “Just to my taste!” As the gecko takes each present out of his bag and hands it to his unusual friend, he is disappointed when one by one they are devoured. There’s even a near miss when the friend reaches out greedily for the gecko itself!
This charming little hardback gift comic by German author and illustrator Anke Kuhl, translated by Melody Shaw, has minimal text and delightfully, cheeky artwork together with a twist at the end of the story that makes it perfect for children of all ages as well as being an ideal present even for those who are hard to buy for.









