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Title, Author, Keyword , ISBN
No Roof in Bosnia by Els de Groen
Title: No Roof in Bosnia
Author: Els de Groen
Translator: Patricia Crampton
Publisher: Spindlewood/Ragged Bears
Date Published: 2001
Format: Paperback
Genre: History
Book Category: Fiction
Age Range: 12+
Original Title: First published in Dutch as Tuig, Elzenga, The Netherlands, 1996
Country of Origin: Netherlands

No Roof in Bosnia

by Els de Groen
Age Range: 12+

When Aida enters the deserted village of Brodiste in Bosnia she is afraid. The war rages all around her and danger is ever present. Finding a farmhouse she encounters Antonia who lives alone with her dog, Napoleon. Gradually Aida learns to trust Antonia and she decides to stay until she can make her way safely to the coast. When Josip, Antonia’s nephew, visits to get more supplies for his mountain hideout, he warns his aunt of the dangers of staying in the village. Aida joins the four teenagers hiding out in the mountains and they learn to live together despite their different ethnic backgrounds. However, disaster strikes when the Serbs capture Josip and the other two boys. Aida and Mila find themselves alone and decide to set off on their way to the Adriatic Coast where they hope to find their friends again.

This novel captures the futility and heartache of ethnic intolerance together with the pain and the human consequences of not-so-distant politics. It is a powerful, compelling and realistic story of human courage and frailty in which there are no easy answers to be found.

(Outside In: Children’s Books in Translation, Milet, 2005)

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How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion When he was a Little Boy (Asterix) How Our Solar System Began: The Planets, Their Moons and Beyond How the Mole got his Pockets How to Bake a Sausage Dog How to be Your Dog's Best Friend How to Draw A Chicken How to Get Rid of a Vampire How To Light Your Dragon How to Talk to Children About Art How to Talk to Children about Modern Art How to Talk to Children about World Art How Vova Changed His Ways How War Changed Rondo Hubbub Hug Me, Please! Hugo Hugo & Josephine Hurrah for Mosan! Hush, Baby, Hush! Lullabies from around the World I am Blop! I Am David I am Fifteen and I Do Not Want to Die I am so Clever I am so Handsome I am so Strong I am the King I Am the Subway I am the Wolf and Here I Come! I Can Count I Can Dress Myself I can fly, what am I? I Can't Sleep! I Don't Want to Go To School! I Feel a Foot I Have the Right to be a Child I Have the Right to Culture I have the Right to Save My Planet I have wheels, what am I? I Like Cats I Love You I Really, Really Love You I Saw a Peacock with a Fiery Tail I See the Promised Land: A Life of Martin Luther King JR. I tre Porcellini (Pesci Palanti) I Want Spaghetti! I Was There I Wish I Won't Apologize Ice Road (The) Ice Sea Pirates (The) If My Moon Was Your Sun If You Didn't Have Me Ignas: The Boy with the Colourful Head Igraine The Brave Il Lupo e I Sette Capretti (Pesci Pelanti) I'll Believe You When ... Illustrator's Notebook (The) I'm the Biggest Imagine Imagine! 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It's My Pond It's My Rubber Bandi: Shinsuke Yoshitake It's OK, Slow Lizard it's so difficult It's Useful to Have a Duck Jackal and Wolf Jackal Who Thought He Was a Peacock (The) Jacob's Fantastic Flight Jane, the Fox and Me Jan's Birthday Jasmine Sneeze Jerome By Heart Jip And Janneke Jip and Janneke: Two Kids in Holland Joao By a Thread Joey and Gigi Johnny Blossom Johnny Longnose Johnny, My Friend Johnny's Seven Friends Jolly Family (Soviet Literature for Young People) Jolly Hares Jonathan Mouse at the Circus Jose Josephine Josie Journey on a Cloud Journey to Fleecy Mountain (The) Journey to the Centre of the Earth Journey to the End of the World Journeys of the Clever Man (The) Juan Hormiga Jug With Gold Coins (The): A Modavian Folktale Julia Wants a Pet Julia's House JUMP! Jungle Tales Junk Collector School Just a Little Bit! Just Like Tomorrow Kamo's Escape Karius and Baktus Karlsson Flies Again Karlsson on the Roof Katia Kaya's Heart Song Keeping Secrets Keeping Up With Findus Kevin Goes on Holiday Kevin Goes to Hospital Kevin Goes to School Kevin Stays the Night Key is Lost (The) Kids and Cubs Killer's Tears (The) Kimonos Kind Crocodile King and the Sea (The) King Bobble King Glutton King Gorilla and his Cannon (The) King Has Goat Ears (The) King Matt the First King of the Copper Mountains (The) Kingfisher (The) King's Behind (The) Knights of King Midas (The) Knock! Knock! Where's My Bear? Kokeshi Style Kostya Ryabtsev's Diary KPO the Leopard Krabat Kurt Gets Truckloads Kyril's Capers La Pasticceria Zitti La petite casserole d'Anatole La Tortuga Marian Ladushki: Russian Folk Rhymes & Tales for Little Ones Lady With the Hat (The) Lampie and the Children of the Sea Landslide! 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Oink, Oink Benny Oksa Pollock 1: The Last Hope Oksa Pollock 2: The Forest of Lost Souls Oksa Pollock 3: The Heart of Two Worlds Oksa Pollock 4: Tainted Bonds Olaf and the Echoing Cave Old Animals Forest Band (The) Old Attic (The) Old Dog Old Fortress (The) Old Genie Hottabych (The) Old One-Toe Olivia Wrapped in Vines Ollie the Elephant Ollie's Ski Trip Olwen Finds Her Wings On My Scooter On Seashore Far a Green Oak Towers On the Edge of the World On the Farm On the Move On Two Feet and Wings Once in a Lifetime Once Upon a Time One Day One House for All One Night Far From Here One Scary Night One Thousand and One Nights One Wise Sheep: An Untraditional Christmas Story One, Two, Tree! One, Two, Where's My Shoe? 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Time of The Young Soldiers (The) Timeline Activity Book Timpetill Timur's Vow Tina's Web Tintin Volume 1 Tintin Volume 2 Tintin Volume 3 Tintin Volume 4 Tintin Volume 6 Tintin Volume 7 Tintin Volume 8 Tiny King (The) Tipiti, the Robin Tistou, the boy with green thumbs To Market! To Market To the Ice To the Island Toby Alone Toby and the Secrets of the Tree Today is MY Day Toffee and the Small Car Together, Dots Make a Picture Toletis Tomorrow Tomorrow? Yesterday? Tom-Toms in Kotokro Too Many Rabbits Tooth Gnashing Witch (The) Topsy Turvy World Tortoise Who Wanted to Sleep Tortot, the Cold Fish Who Lost his World and Found his Heart Toucan Can! Touch Me Town in the Snuff-Box (The) and Old Father Frost Town Mouse & the Country Mouse (The) Tow-Truck Pluck Toys and Tales with Everyday Materials Trail Game (The) Traitor Trans-Siberian Railway (The) Trap for Perseus Trash! On Ragpicker Children and Recycling Travels of an Extraordinary Hamster Travels of Fingerling (The) Treasure Thief (The) Tree (The) Trees for the Absentees Trelo mou Amaxidio Trick or Treat Trina Finds a Brother True Friends: A Tale From Tanzania Tundra Mouse Mountain Twelve Birds Twelve Dancing Princesses (The) Twelve Months: Fairy Tales by Soviet Writers (The) Twelve People Are Not a Dozen Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Two Brothers Two Captains Two For Me, One For You Two Friends (The) Two Little Red Mittens Two Magic Oxen (The) Ukrainian Folk Lullabies Ukrainian Folk Tales Ultimate Game Umbrella (The) Uncle Fedya, His Dog and His Cat Under the Sea Under the Spell of the Moon Up and Away with the Little Witch Up the Mountain Up, Down & Other Opposites with Ellsworth Kelly Upside-Down Reader (The) Urchin (The) Vagabonds Ashore (The) Vagabonds of the Pacific Vaker Valdemar's Peas Vango: A Prince Without a Kingdom - Book Two Vango: Between Sky and Earth - Book One Vasilisa the Beautiful: Russian Fairy Tales Vendela in Venice Ventriloquist's Daughter (The) Very Best Dad (The) Very Hungry Caterpillar (The) Very Hungry Lion (The) Victor (The) Victoria Vincent Van Gogh Atlas (The) Virgil Nosegay and the Hupmobile Virginia WOLF Visible Sounds (The) Visiting Captain Fibbur Visiting Grandpa Visitor (The) Visitor (The) Vitello becomes a Businessman Vitello carries a Knife Vitello Gets a Yucky Girlfriend Vitello Scratches the Car Vitello wants a Dad Waffle Hearts Waiting for Goliath Waiting for Mama Wake Up, It's Easter! Wake Up, Let's Play! War of the Witches War Within These Walls (The) War Without Friends Wash 'Em Clean Watch Out for the Crocodile Watcher in the Shadows (The) Watching Water: Discovering the Precious Resource all Around Us Wave Runners (The) We Are All Born Free We Were Not Like Other People Welcome to Mamoko Werewolf and Other Tales (The) Whale That Fell In Love With A Submarine What About Me? What am I? What Colour is the Wind? What Does Baby Want? What Dog Knows What Feelings Do When No One's Looking What Feelings Like Best What Happened on Thursday? A Nigerian Civil War Story What Happens When ... What is a Child? What is Good and What is Bad What Shall I Be? What the Jackdaw Saw What What What? What's Hidden in the Woods? What's Hiding Under There? What's Inside? What's That Noise? What's That, Jack? When a Wolf is Hungry When Dad Showed Me the Universe When Daddy Was A Little Boy When Dad's Hair Took Off When Findus Was Little and Disappeared When I am Happiest When I Coloured in the World When I Was a Boy Neruda Called M Policarpo When I was a Soldier When I Was Born When It Rains When Little Owl Met Little Rabbit When Mama Can't Sleep When Night Didn't Come When Owen's Mom Breathed Fire When Pierrot was Young When Santa Fell to Earth When Shlemiel Went to Warsaw When Someone Comes Along When Someone Splits When Spring Comes to the DMZ When the Animals Could Talk When the Earth Lost its Shapes When the Robbers Came to Cardamom Town (The) When the Snow Fell When We Lived in Uncle's Hat When We Were Alone in the World Where Are They All Going? Where Dani Goes, Happy Follows Where Do They Go When It Rains? Where Do We Go When We Disappear? Where Does Pepper Come From? Where is Grandma? Where is Mr. Mole? Where Is My Friend Where is my Sister? Where is Pim? Where is Rusty? Where is the Cake? Where is the dragon? Where is the Frog? Where the Birch Trees Grow Where Were You, Robert? Where's Asterix? Where's Dogmatix (Asterix) Where's Molly? Wherever It Is Summer Whisper White Bungalow (The) White Fox White Horse White Poodle and the Elephant (The) White Stone (The) Whitey Who am I? Who Can Crack the Leonardo da Vinci Code? Who Hid the Easter Eggs? Who Left the Light On? Who Wants Candied Hawberries? Who Will Comfort Toffle? Who Will Make the Snow? Who's Driving? Who's Hiding? Who's the Strongest? Whose Eyes Are These? Whose is the Sun Whose Lovely Child Can You Be? Why the Bear Has no Tail Why There is No Heaven on Earth Why We Took the Car Wilbert Wild Animals of the North Wild Animals of the South Wild Book (The) Wild Swans (The) Wildcat Behind Glass (The) Wildest Brother (The) Wildwitch 1: Wildfire Wildwitch 2: Oblivion Wildwitch 3: Life Stealer Wildwitch 4: Bloodling Will & Nill Will Gets a Haircut Will You Still Love Me If ...? William Wenton and the Lost City (Book 3) William Wenton and the Luridium Thief (Book 1) William Wenton and the Secret Portal (Book 2) Wind: Discovering Air in Motion Wings Winkie Winkie and Blinkie Bear Winkie and his Magic Flute Winkie and his Woodland Friends Winkie and Ruby Robin Winkie and the Wily Fox Winkie and Twinkie Twiddle Winkie and Woolly Wopsie Winter Afternoon Winter in Wartime Winter Song Winter When Time was Frozen (The) Wir sprechen mit den Handen Wir verstehen uns blind Wise Men of Schilda (The) Wish You Were Here Wish You Were Here Witch in the Broom Cupboard (The) Witch Tipp and her Wicked Witchcat Witchfairy With a Sword in My Hand With Xenios in Greece Within and Without Wears his Coat Wrong Side Out: A Byelorussian Folk Tale Wizard, the Ugly, and the Book of Shame (The) Wizardling (The) Wolf and Dog Wolf and the Fly (The) Wolfy Women in Battle Wonder Tales Wonderful Adventures of Nils (Kochka) Wonderful Adventures of Nils (The) Wonderful Adventures of Nils (The) Wonderful Lamp (The) Wondrous Journeys in Strange lands Wooden Camel (The) Wooolf! World of Mamoko in the Time of Dragons (The) World of Mamoko in the Year 3,000 (The) World of Mirrors World's Best Karlsson (The) World's Worst Mothers (The) Writer (The) Written and Drawn by Henrietta Yakari in the Land of the Wolves Yakari: The Lake Monster Yark (The) Yayoi Kusama Covered Everything in Dots and Wasn't Sorry Yellow & Round Yellow Butterfly Yellowbeak You Can Do It, Bert! You Can't Be Too Careful! You Don't Know What War Is: The Diary of a Young Girl From Ukraine Young Teacher and the Great Serpent (The) Young Werewolf You're Safe With Me Yours and Mine Yours Sincerely, Giraffe Yum Yum! Yumi (Kokeshi) Yushka Zanzibar Zeppelin Zeraffa Giraffa Zga spaget gre v sirni svet Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo ZOOology Zou Zou and the Box of Kisses Zzzzz A Book of Sleep
The organisation dedicated to promoting and exploring world literature and children’s books in translation

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