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Big Book of Words and Pictures (The)
by Ole Könnecke
Age Range: Under_5
This large and sturdy board book introduces young children to a variety of new words and concepts. Each word is accompanied by a charming and witty illustration that demonstrate their meaning. The subject matter is quite diverse ranging from plants, animals, music, sport, colours, clothing, household objects, seasons, fruit and vegetables, transport, counting, alphabet and parts of the body.
On each page children will find a mini story. For example, there are a series of pictures depicting a bear getting dressed, or two children eating biscuits leaving a trail of crumbs that are then hovered up by a stork with a vacuum cleaner. Adults will appreciate the humour too. There is a sequence of hilarious illustrations showing various types of wheeled transport – pram, pushchair, running bike, scooter, bicycle, motorcycle, car, walking stick, walker and wheelchair – which demonstrate the life cycle of a human (or, in this case a stork)! Other innovative sections are the counting page which is set in a children’s playground and the double-page spread of the alphabet circus.
The illustrations are delightful and will capture any young child’s imagination as it is an ideal way to learn words through the humorous pictures.









