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Flower Heaven
by Based on a poem by Sophie Reinheimer
Age Range: 6-8
`Ding, dong’, the bells were ringing in Flower Heaven. At the door was a rose with two buds drooping – “they cut my stem, and they didn’t see my two little sisters”. “We were snipped away and left to die” the buds explain.
What happens to mistreated flowers and plants? Delicate daisies when people pluck out their petals? Or thirsty garlands left to rot? Flowers have a place of safety they can go to – Flower Heaven, where they are tended and cared for by the flower angels. This is an evening in Flower Heaven where the angels welcome all shapes and sizes of flowers and plants who knock on their door; from an ancient cactus in a damp pot of water to a garland of flowers wilting with thirst.
This charming, unusual story is based on a poem by German writer Sophie Reinheimer (1874-1935), and presents the flower’s point of view, showing how they are nurtured by the caring flower angels once they have found their way to Flower Heaven.
The appeal of this quaint, slightly old-fashioned tale is the intricate and delicate watercolour illustrations by German illustrator Else Wenz-Viëtor (1882-1973). The flowers and angels are full of expression and gentle humour that compliments the text perfectly. It is an ideal way of explaining to children how to respect nature and to take care of it. Flower Heaven is a book that has a wide appeal for children and adults alike.









