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That's How I See Things
by Sirish Rao
Age Range: Under_5
Siena Baba is an artist, but he does not see the world the way other people do. When he wants to paint some animals to liven up his wall, he decides to create some new creatures. But where will Pea-pig, Croco-rooster, Monkupine and co fit into the conventional world outside?
This is a beautiful story in which the pictures dominate. There’s little text on the pages and the short, simple sentences leave the wonderful illustrations to do the talking as they showcase Siena Baba’s collection of creatures. The animals are fantastic. They’ll fascinate children and bring a smile to readers of any age, especially when you hear their names. The simple illustrations make it very clear which two animals have been spliced together, just in case small readers can’t work it out from the names. The names themselves really made me smile, too. There’s something about the word Monkupine that just seems to sound so fabulous. This unusual story should really encourage budding artists and story writers too, as at the end Siena Baba puts all his creations in a book, where they can live together happily. The idea of creating your own world should really appeal to children with vivid imaginations and perhaps encourage them to do some creative writing.
This simple, unusual story is a pleasure in every way. Just read, enjoy and imagine.
Abby Phillips (2011)









